
My name is Greg Gill, as the President of the Atlanta Underwater Explorers (AUE) I want to tell you about our club and the great things we have to offer.
Established in 1992, AUE takes pride in its affiliation with the National Association of Black Scuba Divers (NABS). Even though we are based in Atlanta, our club reaches beyond the city. Our goal is to bring divers together and create a sense of community.  We organize dives and adventure travel opportunities, where you can explore new underwater ecosystems, coral reefs, and marine life. Scuba diving is not only thrilling, but it also helps you relax and improve your mental well-being.
Safety is our top priority at AUE. We facilitate training programs and workshops to help you improve your diving skills. Our meetings and events are a chance for members to
share information and learn from each other. We talk about diving techniques, equipment, and safety. It’s also a great opportunity to connect with other divers and make new friends. 
We are dedicated to promoting the joy of diving while prioritizing safety and community.

Greg Gill
Atlanta Underwater Explorers, President 2024